My ex-Greek mother-in-law was scary good at reading the Greek coffee cup. Once she predicted some bank would be robbed near my husband’s restaurant.And sure enough, the next day sirens were blazin’ and 2 doors down, the local bank was emptied out by 3 bandits! Mama’ was also a scary good cook. Here’s her tasty Taramosalata recipe! Opa!
Recipe by: Bobbi Jo Lathan
Recipe type: Appetizer
Cuisine: Middle Eastern
Serves: 6
10 mins
10 mins
20 mins
One uncut loaf of rustic crusty bread (large enough to get 7 slices)
1 cup cold water
½ cup tarama ( a Greek salmon roe caviar paste)
2 lemons (squeezed)
1 tablespoon onion (grated)
¾ cup good extra-virgin olive oil
Cut your loaf of crusty bread in half and with your hands, scoop out the bread
from the inside of the loaf. You do not want to use the crust.
Place a bowl containing the 1 cup of water in the sink and soak the removed
bread for about 4-5 minutes. Then, squeeze the pieces of wet and doughy bread
with your hands until all the water is squeezed out. If you like, you may also wrap
the bread in a dish towel and press it dry.
Add the squeezed bread into your food processor or Nutri-Bullet, along with the
tarama, the lemon juice, grated onion and ½ cup of the olive oil. Process until
smooth. It should be fluffy, but thick enough to hold its shape on a spoon. If the
mixture is fluffy and smooth enough, you do not have to add the rest of the olive
oil. However, (since the type of rustic crusty bread can differ) if the mixture is too
thick and not fluffy, add the rest of the olive oil and mix until smooth and fluffy.
Put the taramosalata into a bowl, cover with some plastic wrap and place into the
refrigerator until ready to use.
Serve with triangle-sliced pita bread and calamata olives as an appetizer.
If you want to use a large mortar and pestle you will only add the ingredients a little at a time. Beat in the lemon juice and onion, and tarama, adding a little olive oil at a time, and keep mashing until the mixture is a smooth paste. Also, if you cannot find Tarama, you may substitute salmon caviar.